Due to strategic partnerships with companies and organisations we are able to give inland shipping and the rail cargo busines a boost.
Since 1997 Abfall-inForm supports transport companies in the field of transport of waste and offers workshops for transport licences and german "Entsorgungsfachbetriebe".
Binnenvaart Logistiek Nederland is the major inter-trade organisation for inland shipping in the Netherlands.
The BVB is an information agency that acts as an intermediary for all questions concerning inland navigation.
is the independent and neutral german news site of the continental european inland waterway transport system.
Whether it’s a short statement to camera, a studio interview, a background discussion with journalists or a press conference, our goal is to train you to present yourself professionally.
The InlandLinks website is the platform where Inland Terminals jointly present themselves to the market.
LOG-IT Club is the logistic portal voor the german federal state NorthRhine-Westfalia and information- and communication platform for the LogistikCluster NRW.
Professional journal with year eight issues every year that informs about current developments in portrelated transport of goods by waterway, rail and road in Europe.
Schuttevaer is the leading dutch professional journal about shipping, water bound logistics and fishery.