Before the finish line

erstellt am: 24.09.2017 | von: Axel | Kategorie(n): Uncategorized

The new version of Bargelink (V 10.0) is as good as finished. We are currently testing the new system thoroughly.


The first innovation is visible immediately: Bargelink has received a completely new layout. Modern, clear and fresh. And above all in the so-called “responsive” design. This means that Bargelink is perfectly displayed on all end devices (desktop, tablet and smartphone).



But there are also some new things in terms of content:

  1.  Premium account: Bargelink offers various new options with a premium account:
    • Upload logos and photos
    • Dialogue (chat) between the provider and the interested parties. The dialog can then also be saved as a PDF.
    • New filter options
    • Link to own homepage
  2. Radar: Here you can search for the right vessel in the Bargelink database with approximately 1,500 barges . Tthe integrated filter allow to search for technical data and special requirements.
  3. The Bargelink-Business-Cockpit: here the supply and demand are presented graphically. This gives you more overview and thus better information for your daily work.

As soon as we have successfully completed the tests, we will “launch” the new system. According to current plans, we are assuming that this will be end November. Until then there will also be a video where we will present the new Bargelink in detail.